Icom 705 Be Active Field Radio Finally Announced

Icom announced the new Icom 705 Field radio at ham Fair 2019

All Modes including DV and covers HF, 6m, 2m, 70 cm

The European model will include the 4m band

This will compete against the Yaesu FT-991/991a directly offering multiband performance in a single package.

Icom 7100 is now going to be officially discontinued and all inventory being cleared out to make room for this radio at retailers shelves

Its missing the built in tuner forcing users to add a AH-4 or LDG tuner to the go box
HF + 50MHz + 144MHz + 430MHz

SSB | CW | RTTY | AM | FM | DV

10W output power

Large color screen

SDR architecture

Internal battery that can use batteries from the ID-51 handheld. Please note the belt clip will need to be removed

GPS & Bluetooth

D-STAR equipped

Wifi capability

Can be charged via USB port

comes with a speaker/mic and vhf/uhf rubber duck and the same battery used in the ID-51 allowing 5 watts

10 watts usung 13.8 volts

weighs 1kg

all the touch screens and features of the 7300 in a 8x8x4 box

Click to access IC-705_Tokyo_Hamfair.pdf

For active QRP, Field and SOTA operators this changes everything and brings a new style of radio to the mix.


Reminder Hiram Percy Maxim Birthday Celebration starts Next week

The Hiram Percy Maxim Birthday Celebration gets under way on Saturday, August 31, and wraps up on Monday, September 8. The 9-day operating event commemorates the 150th anniversary of the birth of ARRL cofounder and first president Hiram Percy Maxim, W1AW (HPM) — born on September 2, 1869 — and is open to all radio amateurs. The objective is to work as many participating stations as possible. W1AW and all ARRL members will append “/150” to their call signs during this event (DX operators who are ARRL members may operate as <call sign>/150, if permitted by their country of license.) Stations will exchange a signal report and ARRL/RAC Section. A total of 84 multipliers are available. DX stations will send a signal report and “DX.” All Amateur Radio bands except 60, 30, 17, and 12 meters are available. Contacts may be made on CW, phone, and digital modes. Incentives are available for using different modes, operating portable, and using social media, among others. Logs will be scored, and downloadable certificates will be available. An announcement and complete rules appear in the September issue of QST, p. 86.

Happy 150! Hiram Percy Maxwell Birthday Celeberation

Happy 150! The Hiram Percy Maxim Birthday Celebration!

As announced in September 2019 QST – page 86


This year marks the 150th anniversary of the birth of the League’s first president and cofounder, Hiram Percy Maxim (HPM), W1AW.  HPM was born on September 2, 1869.

As we have done with earlier birthday milestones, ARRL is again holding an operating event to celebrate HPM’s legacy.

Objective: This operating event is open to all amateurs, and the goal is straightforward:  Find stations operating in the event, many adding “/150” to their call signs, and contact as many as possible during the 9-day celebration on each of the event bands (using any/all of the 3 event modes on each band).

Time Period: The 9-day event begins 0000 UTC August 31 and runs until 2359 UTC September 8, 2019.

Eligibility: All amateur stations may participate.

Who is eligible to use their “callsign/150”?   W1AW and ALL ARRL members are eligible and will append /150 to their call sign during this event (this includes DX Stations who are ARRL members, who may operate as callsign/150 if permitted by the regulations of their country of license).

Exchange: All W/VE stations send RST and their ARRL/RAC Section; DX stations send RST and “DX”.

Bands: All Amateur Bands LF/HF/VHF/UHF/SHF/Microwave/Light (excluding 60, 30, 17 and 12 meters).

Modes: Three (3) mode groups will be recognized in the event:
       Phone (any/all voice modes count as “Phone”)
Digital (any/all digital modes count as “Digital”)

Scoring:  Cabrillo log (or ADI) files must be supplied. ARRL will calculate all final scores based on the participant uploads to our event web app at http://contests.arrl.org/arrlHPM150scoressubmission.php.

Multipliers: 84 in total – contact just once each of (83) ARRL and RAC Sections (RAC sections include the Canadian “NT” Northern Territories – encompassing VE8 / VY1 / VY0) – and DX (1).   See http://www.arrl.org/contest-sections-list for ARRL/RAC Sections.

QSO Points:

       3 points per QSO: Contacts with W1AW/150 will earn 3 points per QSO;
2 points per QSO: Contacts with any ARRL member will earn 2 points per QSO – these stations will also identify as callsign/150:
     1 point per QSO:  Contacts with non-members (ie, those not mentioned above) will earn 1 point each, and will identify with callsign only (no additional / number will be used).

Bonus points:

150 Bonus Points will be earned by successfully completing one or more activities as described below – these are determined by your responses when uploading your Cabrillo log (or ADI file) to our web app:

       Contacting W1AW/150 on each band and mode will earn 150 BONUS points for each band/mode contact (no band/mode dupes are permitted). Bonuses are added during web app upload.

If you are an ARRL member, you will receive 150 BONUS points when uploading your entry via the web app.

Social Media – If you used social media, publicizing this event and/or your participation before, during and/or after the event will earn you 150 BONUS points upon uploading your entry to the web app.

QRP operation (using 5 watts PEP output or less throughout the entire event) will earn you 150 BONUS points when uploading your entry to the web app.

        Portable operation – if you make at least 20 or more portable QSOs you will earn 150 BONUS points when uploading your entry to the web app.

150 QSOs – if you complete 150 or more QSOs, you earn a one-time 150 BONUS points when uploading your entry to the web app.


Cabrillo log (or ADI) files are required – and must be uploaded via web app at 
. This event only accepts online web app submissions (no email or paper submissions will be accepted).

Scoring Calculations:

Calculations are made by ARRL when you submit your entry via the web app:

Total QSO points accumulated on all band/mode combinations

X  Total multipliers (84 maximum)

                            = subtotal

+  Total bonus points earned

= Grand Total/Final Score

Online certificates will be awarded, and available via download (only)

Results will be publicized (watch the ARRL web http://www.arrl.org/hpm150-birthday-celebration for updates).

A 20m Vertical Beam

This interesting design achieves results

Adventures in Amateur Radio

JP1QEC developed a portable 20m vertical beam he calls the “Garden Beam Antenna“. I built one this afternoon and have it pointed towards Europe. Construction is stratightfoward. I used a fishing pole to first make a 20m 1/4 wave vertical. It has two ground radials that are about 18 feet long. A third radial extends 18.7 feet from the driven element in the direction opposite where you want the main energy to go. This is connected to two more 18 ft radials and the vertical reflector element also mounted on a fishing pole. I ended up with a very flat SWR of 1.6 across the entire 20m band. I suspect that there needs to be some tweaking to optimize the pattern but I am seeing some directionality based on signal reports from making some JT-65 contacts. The beam is pointed on a bearing of about 40°. I get…

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